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2nd moment: Quantification of color and light


In 1978 Yolanda Freyre enrolls at Parque Lage Visual Art School in Lygia Pape’s courses, “The Poetic Space” and Claudio Kupermann’s courses, “Polyester Resin”. Towards the end of the 70’s through 1984 she attends NEART (Experimental Art Center of Petropolis) – an initiative of Geny Marcondes and Katie Scherpenberg. During this period, while working with hydrangeas she begins her research on the synthesis of form, improving the process of color and light quantification in the landscape. She is invited to expose her work at Université de Scinces et Technologie du Languedoc by the mathematician Artibano Micali, in France. During this time, she takes a course at Beaux Arts (M. Abraan Pincas’ painting studio) and also other courses at S. Charles Art Center, Sorbonne – 1984/85



Her main activities from that period are:


1982 – “Train passing through the pine trees”

1982 – “The circles of Hydrangea”

1983 – “Quitandinha Rock during summer morning”

1983 – “Quitandinha Rock during summer night”

1983 – “Quitandinha Rock during winter morning”

1984 – “Fog on the Hill”

1985 – Exhibition: “Aquarelles” (Université de Sciences et Technologie du Languedoc – Montpellier, France)

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